Monday, November 29, 2010

My Testimony (part two)


I was talking to Mark Shepard. and he told me to be more specific  about things I was writing so let me get back to part one.

In the summer of 67’ I played in a band called “The Strawberry Alarm Clock”  With a NUMBER ONE song in the Nation called “Incense and Peppermints”.  I guess you could say I was living a dream come true.  Barbara was seventeen I was nineteen.  Going to the beach every day.  And playing music in a great band.  But it all came to a screaming halt in December of 67’ when I enlisted in the US Navy and left for VIET NAM six months later.

Like I said in (part one)  it was quit scary, people getting killed around me.  It was hard for me to understand why God protected me.  Real hard. (more on this later.) But God answered my Grandmother’s prayers. And I came home, SEEMINGLY in one piece.

We were married Feb. 14, 1970 on Valentine's Day.  We bought a home in Redondo Beach. And found a church.  Myer Lane Southern Baptist Church. I had no day time job and the church prayed for me, and I started working for the US Postal Service a few weeks later.  I loved the job GOD had given me.  (more on this later)  I continued to play music in various rock bands and recorded in various studios. God blessed us with three children. And a wonderful church life.  We were youth leaders.  We actually took the high school kids to Hollywood, stood in line for 6 hours, to see STAR WARS when it first was shown at Graman’s Theater. 

Part three coming soon.


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