Friday, November 19, 2010

My Testimony (part 0ne)



I excepted Christ as my Savior in 5th grade.  I attended church with my Grandmother through my teenage years.  I met  Barbara while in junior high school.  I also started playing drums, it was the SIXTY’s.  Barbara and I dated and in the summer of 1967 we knew we LOVED each other.  The Viet Nam War was going strong and I enlisted in The US Navy.  I know I was kept safe my my Grandmother’s prayers.  Twice while in Viet Nam people were killed all around me, but not even a scratch on me.  I was gone for three years.  Came home and Barbara and I were married Valentines day 1970.


  1. Where is the "rest" of the story Larry? LOL Keep it coming!

  2. I like that picture of you Dad.
